1 December 2024
Top tasks include harvesting leeks, root veg, autumn and winter brassicas and some hardy salad crops.
Plant garlic and rhubarb. Please plant new bare rooted fruit trees and bushes or trees into large pots and not the ground.
Prune apple and pear trees, soft fruit bushes and outdoor grape vines if it’s not too cold.
Dig over your plot and add plenty of well rotted organic matter and cover the beds to protect the soil.
Check nets over sprouts, cabbages and other brassicas.
We had a very productive working party in November, managing to sort out the compost bins, wood chip and manure. A request please…… can vegetation be chopped up into more manageable sized pieces, 6 inches ideally and no longer than 12 inches. Huge sunflower plants and sweetcorn stalks are too big to be able to turn easily. We now have a replenished manure pile – please continue to use the right hand bay first and remember to transfer £1 a barrow asap.
Have a lovely Christmas and healthy New Year; over and out for 2024!