Happy New Year to all Plotters! The Committee wishes everyone a great year on Calico Field. Let’s hope the weather is clement so that we can make a start as soon as signs of Spring emerge!
As there is not much to be getting on with other than continuing to harvest brassicas and root vegetables, you might as well stay at home and work out your sowing and planting plan! If you are really keen, you could buy your potatoes to start chitting and buy onion and garlic sets for planting in late February/March.
We have a spare shed for sale although the roof needs a bit of repair. If you are interested, please let me know and the Committee can help you move it to your plot.
I need to remind you all about certain Health and Safety rules. You can find the complete document on our new website at www.swallowfieldpaa.org. Many thanks to Nick for modernising its look. Here are a few things to bear in mind:
- Be aware of deep water in the pond, especially thinking of children and dogs, and especially at this time of year.
- Remember you will need to have training on the equipment such as the lawn mower and generator.
- Be careful of flammable liquids. All powered equipment must be filled outside the shed in which it is kept. No gas cylinders must be stored on site unless in your locked shed.
- Please do not light bonfires on your plot. Use plot 1 to deposit your debris.
- Chemicals such as pesticides and weed killers must be stored in your locked shed
- Keep yourselves safe by locking the main gates securely.
- All BBQs must be thoroughly extinguished before leaving the site.
- Exercise great care when using your tools. It is your responsibility to maintain your equipment.
- Plot holders are advised to use tennis balls to cap the tops of canes and stakes. There are some in the shed that you can borrow.
- Take care if you are on site when there is a delivery.
- All dogs should be kept under control (no fouling) and keep your pet on your own plot.
- Prevent children from climbing and/or playing around the compost bins. Supervise them closely at all times.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Very best wishes for 2020!