SPAA update November 2023
Welcome to a soggy November! Firstly, sorry we had to cancel the October working party, the next one is Saturday 18th November 9 to 11am. Bring a mug, cake and hot drinks will be provided, let’s just hope we can get on site!
Jobs for November

- Harvest root veg, brassicas, Oriental leaves and late season salad leaves.
- Pick autumn raspberries and cranberries. Sow Broad beans outside if the ground isn’t water logged and plant garlic and rhubarb sets.
- Plant new bare root fruit trees, bushes and canes, unless the ground is too wet.
- Prune apple and pear trees and soft fruit bushes while they are dormant.
- Dig over your plot, removing perennial weeds and adding plenty of well rotted organic matter.
- Cover beds with plastic/cardboard to protect soil from heavy rain.
- Remove nets from fruit cages but keep them over sprouts, cabbages and other brassicas.
Finally, try not to lose heart, sunny days will come again!
Hi all,
A very wet November so far and as you can see from Lucinda’s photograph, Part Lane is pretty flooded. Hopefully we are now over the worst of the rain for a while.
Just a reminder that we do have the SPAA Whatsapp group if you want to join for up to date information posted by anyone in the group. Please let me or anyone on the committee know if you would like to be added to the group.
I have attached Lucinda’s monthly update.
Hope to see you down at a slightly drier site soon