Dear Plotters
The 1st October has arrived which means that the new tenancy period has started. Have you paid your renewal fee?? Please could you do this immediately, as there is a waiting list of people wanting a plot. Thank you. In addition, if you have had some manure, please make a donation to SPAA funds.
The committee had a socially distanced working party recently to repaint the corner marker posts (which must not be moved) and to tidy up verges and hedges. Many thanks to the extra helpers, Reg, Bill, Duncan, Sheridan, Stuart and Amy for the sterling repairs they did to the shed and polytunnel and managing the bonfire. In general, Calico Field is looking very smart now. Well done, everyone, for keeping on top of the weeds and keeping your plot tidy! I hope you have had a great season! Please remember to maintain your grass paths around your external perimeter, ensure fencing and posts are in good shape for the winter and that your plot is clearly numbered as per your licence agreement. We hope to reinstate general working parties following The Rule of Six, regulations permitting.
As the new tenancy agreement begins, the code for the padlock will be changing shortly. I will send you an email to inform you of the new code.
Some of you have noticed that we now have a new, light-weight wheelbarrow. It’s lilac, so you can’t miss it! This replaces the old, rusty ones which Reg kindly sorted out for us.
Sow early varieties of broad beans or over -wintering onions this month or next but not if your plot gets very waterlogged. This goes for garlic too. You could sow cloves bought from a supermarket or from this year’s crop. You could try sowing early summer cauliflower seeds under cover and then plant them out in March. Now is also the time to plant out rhubarb sets and fruit bushes.
The main harvests ready for lifting before the first frosts include summer vegetables such as potatoes and beetroot. Cut pumpkins and winter squashes and cure the fruits by leaving them in the sun for the skins to harden. Don’t leave them outside to get caught by frost, though! Pick the last of your outdoor tomatoes before the frosts and harvest any melons growing undercover. Harvest autumn cabbages this month and sweet potatoes, which may be prone to slug damage if they are left in the ground too long. Celeriacs should be swelling nicely now; remove any yellowed base leaves. Harvest beans left on the plants to dry, pod them and keep the seeds dry in an airtight container. Continue pulling carrots and harvesting courgettes, kohl rabi and swede.
Cover up winter salad leaves; clear away debris and finished plants. Dismantle bean canes and supports. Begin winter digging and manuring!