Well here we are in April, sunshine and showers, and so far pretty true to form! Top tasks on our plots for April include harvesting delicious first asparagus of the year, spring cabbages, cauliflowers, sprouting broccoli and any remaining leeks and kale.
Sow in the ground if warm enough and not waterlogged, otherwise indoors or undercover. Don’t forget we have the tunnel to use.
Plant second early and maincrop potatoes and the last of your own onion sets.
Earth up first early potatoes.
Prepare seed beds by thoroughly weeding and raking over the soil.
Prune pot grown cherries and plums now they’re growing and once the leaf buds have opened.
Thanks as always to the huge turnout to the working party, amazing! We have a few on going jobs that can be done asap including making sure the footpath isn’t overgrown, weeding communal areas, especially around the tunnel and raised beds and making sure our own plots have safe upright fences. This helps with strimming of paths between plots of course.
We have one plot unexpectedly available so if you’re thinking of swapping or know someone who’d like one please let us know. We are also looking for quotes to repair the large wheelbarrow shed roof so if you have any contacts please let us know.
The dates for the next couple of working parties are 20 April and 18 May, 9 to 11, refreshments available at the end!