Welcome to June!
Top jobs for June are to harvest early potatoes, peas and broad beans, onions, beetroot and salads. Fruits including strawberries and gooseberries plus cherries should be harvested.
Plant out tender seedlings now it should be frost free!
Weed ruthlessly and water regularly to give young plants the best chance!
Net peas, cabbages and fruit bushes from hungry birds.
Watch out for the dreaded slugs, snails, blackfly, cabbage white caterpillars and carrot fly amongst other harmful insects.
Thank you so much for making the whole site look so neat and it’s looking like lots of hard work will pay off soon with produce.
Dates for the diary include working parties on 22nd June and 27th July, 9am to 11am with refreshments and cake at 11am. Swallowfield Show is on over August Bank Holiday weekend and is having its usual fruit and veg plus flower displays and competition so please think about entering some of your lovely produce. More details to follow.
The NGS open day was a huge success and again I’d like to thank everyone for making the plot look fab and donating plants.
Finally we will have a space on the committee, please consider joining. Contact Jane for more info. The AGM is on July 10th, 7.30pm in the Rose Room, Swallowfield Village Hall.
All our plots are now full and should be being worked but if you know anyone interested we are always happy to make a waiting list.