Dear Plotters
Special General Meeting
Many thanks to all those of you who either attended virtually or who sent in your vote by email. The vote to amend the banking clause in our constitution was unanimously passed by 14 votes. This will give us greater flexibility when making payments. Thank you for your support in this matter.
New code for the main gate:
Please note there is a new code for the gate. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAILS FOR THE CODE. This is to enhance site security following members leaving and joining for the 2021/2 season.
New members:
We welcome Jane to Plot 9A. The working party of Reg, Duncan, Jane S and Amy, as well as regular committee members, managed to spruce up this half plot ready for cultivation. Many thanks to all for their hard work in rescuing this plot from dereliction.
Renewal of your Licence:
Thank you for renewing your Licence agreement for the new season. We still have a general waiting list of 7 people, some of whom have been waiting for a plot for nearly a year. May I remind you that all plots should be ‘under cultivation’. If you are struggling to maintain yours, please contact the committee for assistance.
Another load of manure will be ordered before Christmas for which you must make a donation if you use it. Several deliveries of wood chippings have been given to us recently, so these are free for you to use.
The working party had a job to make any progress with burning the bonfire, partly because of the wet weather but also because of the gradual accumulation of weeds growing around the bonfire area. These have proliferated due to the dumping of general waste in the area, creating a mountain of soil. Work was done to clear the area and reduce the level of the ground. This is still in progress so we ask you please not to put any more material on the fire until further notice. Please bag and remove your waste from Calico Field or compost your own on your plot. Thank you.
November is a time for pruning and clearing up but there are still some seeds that you can grow or plant.
SEEDS TO SOW IN NOVEMBER: Hardy winter varieties of broad beans can be sown either in the ground or in pots but this can also be done in the spring if your plot tends to be waterlogged. Garlic can also be sown at this time of year. Plant or divide rhubarb sets. Spread well rotted compost or manure around the stems but don’t cover the crowns.
Plant new currant or gooseberry bushes; autumn is an ideal time to get them in the ground. Similarly, bare rooted grape vines, raspberries and blackberries can be planted into well dug holes filled with compost/manure.
HARVEST: autumn and winter cabbages and celeriac and fork up leeks which are ready. Leave the rest in the ground until needed. Lift swedes and carrots and harvest kale. Try eating the tops of Brussels sprouts, cooking and eating them like spring greens. The first Jerusalem artichokes might be ready to harvest; after 9 months in the ground, your patience will be rewarded! Continue picking autumn raspberries until the first frosts.
- Clear away old plants and compost
- Take down your bean supports unless you are still waiting for your bean pods to dry out, ready to use them for next year’s seed.
- Weed and dig; cover your beds with plastic or cardboard. (Remember, carpet is not permitted because of the leaching of chemicals into the soil).
- Mulch celeriac and globe artichokes with straw.
- Protect cauliflower heads by bending the leaves over the top and secure with string.
- Cover late season crops of lettuce/salads with a cloche.
- Winter prune gooseberries and currants, cutting out dead and diseased wood.
- Prune blackcurrants by removing a quarter to a third of the oldest stems, cutting them right down to just above the soil level.
- Protect any new seed beds or planting to prevent mice from digging up the seeds!
Enjoy your month but batten down the hatches, ready for whatever the weather throws at us gardeners!!